Accused of working in a state of intoxication and displaying aggressive behavior towards his superiors, he had been released on Father's Day with three days to appeal the decision. In the official letter of termination, no specific infractions were cited. Without money to pay for a lawyer and worried as to how he would feed the ten children that awaited him in Nuevo Chao, an informal settlement that has grown with the agroindustry that surrounds it, he went to look for work. Three days expired with no luck.

Currently, the eight dirigentes of the workers' union are at the trade tables negotiating terms of a new contract under the threat of a general strike. The points of negotiation are varied, but include the payment of two years worth of utilidades, something that I understand to be a portion of company profits guaranteed to workers by Peruvian law. Another is the recall of a law known as the Ley de PromociĆ³n del Sector Agroindustrial, a law that has allowed agroindustry businesses exceptions to minimum wage, benefits, and vacation requirements required of other Peruvian employers.

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